Red Line Oil is a longtime sponsor of the "Problem Child" Top Fuel Hydro, owned by Cathedral City, Calif.'s Eddie Knox. 2011 marks the 21st season that Knox's team has run Red Line products exclusively, including our 70wt Nitro Motor Oil, Heavy ShockProof in its W-drive and two V-drives, and LightWeight ShockProof in the supercharger cases. The team has set numerous world records, won multiple championships and been to the final round more than 50 times, winning 30 national events. The team holds the current Top Fuel Hydro world record at 3.488 seconds on a 1000-ft course. For more information, visit www.eddieknoxracing.com and look for the time on the entire IHBA tour. "Problem Child" also carries sponsorship from Larry Bless Construction, BJ Acquisitions, and Cooley Construction Company.